Acne has always been associated with adolescents – this problem affects over 80% of young people. It is the outcome of a hormonal disorder that appears during puberty. Nevertheless, we can also observe another phenomenon, that is – adults affected with acne. It is caused by the use of hormonal contraception, severe stress, working in air-conditioned rooms and / or air pollution. The problem of acne may be intensified by improper skin care, which consists of improperly chosen cosmetics, chlorinated water, high protein diet and medicines containing steroids. There are many myths about acne that I will try to expose. Thanks to this, you will find out whether acne is a problem only for teenagers and whether acne skin is the same as oily skin. Are you wondering if the sun will heal acne? Can blackheads be popped by yourself or should it be done by a professional? Do pimples need to be disinfected with alcohol? Should anti-bacterial cosmetics be used every single day? Will skin condition be improved by the lack of makeup? Read on!
Is acne only a problem for teenagers?
No. Although acne usually affects people aged 13-25, it rarely disappears afterward. Even if it passes by itself, if left untreated, it can leave behind permanent marks, namely scars and dark spots. Acne appears as a result of hormonal disorders, so an antibacterial face gel, even the best one, will not cure it without the support of appropriate medications.
Is acne-prone skin the same as oily skin?
No. Acne appears on oily skin and on dry or combination skin. Although acne is associated with seborrhea, which results from abnormal gland activity, it is a much more serious problem than pimples on oily skin. Oily skin has a tendency to blackheads but properly treated, it will never become what acne skin is. There is no reason to overload the first type with strong preparations and medicines to fight real acne.
Can the sun heal acne?
No. The sun’s rays slow the work of the sebaceous glands, thanks to which the condition of acne skin is improved. Unfortunately, only temporary. After stopping sunbathing everything comes back to the way it was before but this time, with doubled strength. Why? Because the skin, which was dried by the sun for a certain amount of time, strives for rapid self-hydrating and for this purpose produces more sebum.
Can blackheads be popped by yourself?
No. Manual face cleaning is losing popularity, even if it is carried out in a professional beauty salon, so it should be forbidden to do it yourself at home. Why? Because it is difficult to maintain proper hygiene during at-home treatments. As a consequence, popping pimples causes the spread of pathogenic bacteria all over the face and onto other parts of the skin into which we will transfer the germs.
Can blackheads be removed by a beautician?
Such procedures should be avoided even if you think that going to a professional is a better solution. A majority of blemishes are deep in the dermis, under the epidermis. When we pop them, we only have access to the epidermis, so removing the entire purulent lesion is impossible. In turn, improper removal will not get rid of the blackhead, it only moves it deeper inside, which causes an increase in acne. In addition, you might end up with a scar which is much more visible than an ordinary blackhead.
Manual facial cleaning increases the production of sebum (which is particularly troublesome for oily or acne-prone skin) and widens pores and blood vessels (which is not very aesthetic). Manual skin cleansing can improve the condition of the complexion if the beautician is limited to removing non-inflammatory changes such as blackheads. The purulent and inflammatory changes should be treated with special antibacterial and soothing preparations. In addition, d’Arsonval currents, iontophoresis or sonophoresis can be a very good solution. These methods are less invasive than manual skin cleansing, and at the same time, more effective.
Can blemishes be disinfected with spirit?
No. If you think that every new pimple you should be treated with alcohol (that is, perfume, spirit or tonic), then you are wrong. Alcohol has strong drying properties, that is why it worsens skin condition and delays the healing process of scars. For this reason, the wounds on the pustules should not be dried but hydrated! This will improve skin elasticity and restore its original texture faster. Alcohol in any form inhibits this process.
Should anti-bacterial cosmetics be used on a daily basis?
No. Acne is a disease caused not by bacteria, but by hormonal changes. For this reason, skin treatment must be done primarily from the inside – only later can you help with gentle cleansing preparations. Unfortunately, the series of antibacterial cosmetics for young people are still very popular among not only teenagers but also their parents! All those who use an antibacterial, soap-based gel and a mattifying cream in the morning, as well as an antibacterial scrub and emulsion with alcohol overnight, are making a big mistake. As a consequence, the glands receive a sign of excessive dryness and begin to work even more intensively.
Will skin condition be improved without wearing makeup?
No, it will be improved by the use of light mattifying and non-comedogenic powders, preferably loose, and regular cleaning of makeup applicators. This way, let’s camouflage acne and at the same time not clog the pores.
Do you know any other myths about acne that you have debunked on your own skin? Write in the comments – let’s all laugh together!;-))
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